Saturday, June 2, 2012

What is an HVAC ?

Acronym HVAC stands for heating ,ventilation and air conditioning. Sometimes Refrigeration "R " is also added and it becomes "HVACR".HVAC is basically climate control of confined space with respect to requirements of persons or goods in it.HVAC system is not only heating and cooling of air but also concerned with mainatining the indoor air quality (IAQ).Heating of air is done usually in winter and similarly cooling of air is done in summer season.

What is an HVAC?

HVAC system works on the principles of thermodynamics ,fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

All these fields come into play in various components of HVAC.IAQ Indoor air quality is the quality of air inside the building or structures as mostly related to health and safe keeping of its occupants or items/goods placed.IAQ is changed with inclusiion or contamination with gases  and uncontrolled mass & energy transfer.

HVAC systems are used for heating and cooling  & air condition in homes, building, industry, vehicles, aquariums and many more.With the passage of time application of HVAC are increasing and more research is in-progress in this field.HVAC business is also increasing at the same pace as field of application is broadening.


  1. Great post, thanks for the information.

    1. Thanks.
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  2. Not all people are aware of HVAC. Good thing there are posts like this that will make them more aware about the said field.

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